Social Policy
‘Our strengths in the social field are also your strengths’
Social policy is of vital importance for CSI. In terms of the performance of our employees, we must note that one should differentiate between performance and a willingness to provide performance. Performance is based on talent, education and experience. In terms of employees’ willingness to provide performance, important elements besides this are feedback, diversity of tasks and the complex nature of tasks.
Our social policy is seen in particular in:
• fair employee evaluations depending on performance
• motivation of all employees through our communication policy
• productivity optimisation through clearly stated goals
• equal opportunities
• continuous education and training
• careful employee work on the basis of clear structures
We are happy to receive your queries and comments; please send them to:
CS International s.r.o.
Plzeňská 552 / 265
CZ-155 00 Praha 5
tel: +420 233 383 991-4
fax: +420 233 383 995